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How to register dancer to feis?

  • Sign in into the application. Top left corner:
  • Select your feis on dashboard or from the feis list
  • Click the button to start registration
  • Registration steps
    1. Select the dancer for feis - if dancer is selected then he/she is counted as participant immediately (place is reserved until midnight).
    2. Continue with selection of the competition for dancers.
    3. If you don’t select any competition until midnight then the dancer can be removed as a feis participant automatically, to make free space for others.
    4. Check the entry fee report for all dancers.
    5. Check the report of assigned dances.
    • Navigation bar -> Tab selection between functionalities
    • Select your school for dancer registration. You can only see the active dancers of the selected school.
    • Selection box allow you to find dancer. By default dancer are ordered by family name.
    • For selection you ca use double click on dancer
      or select single/multiple dancer(s) and then move them via the tranfer buttons to selected list.
    • For a quick check, you can view the current occupancy status.
    • Once dancers are selected, they are considered participants, and their place is reserved until midnight (CET - Central European Time - GMT+1)
    • If you select multiple dancers and nearly all spaces are occupied some of them (randomly selected) will not be moved to the registered list.

    • Assign dances tab – allows you to assign dances to registered competitors.
    • Select / search on dancer.
    • Select competition by marking the checkbox of the proper competition.
    • List of competitions shows only competitions suitable to dancers age group and gender.
    • All selections and deselections are immediately stored, no manual saving is needed.
    • After any action the competitor entry fee is updated. This dancer fee includes the registration fee + the fee for all selected dances.
    • Note: The dancer fee does not include any family/other discounts.(This is out of scope)

  • Entry Fee SummaryTab report shows the teacher how much they must pay, excluding discounts. The report is exportable into PDF or XLS (MS Excel) format.


How to reset the password?

  1. Sign in into the application. Top left corner:
  2. Fill a valid email address into form:

  3. Click Forget password
  4. After a couple of minutes check your email.
    Check the SPAM folder if the reset password email is not there.

  5. Click on RESET PASSWORD link in email or copy provided URL in to your web browser
  6. Fill form with new password
    Password must meet password policy:
    • Minimal length 8 characters (longer is better)
    • At least one CAPITAL letter
    • At least one lower case letter
    • At least one number

  7. Solve teh Capcha
  8. Click

After a successful password change you will be redirected to the dashboard.


How to add a new school?

If you are already a registred teacher. It's very simple.

  1. Sign in into the application. Top left corner:
  2. In the menu select schools
  3. Click on
  4. Fill form
    • Name: official name of school [Mandatory]
    • Logo URL: path on public internet to your school logo image [optional]
  5. Click

And now you ma add addtional teachers of your school, from the list of all registred teachers. Click to

Edit your school by clicking to icon


How to add new a dancer?

If you are already a registred teacher. It's very simple.

  1. Sign in into the application. Top left corner:
  2. In menu select My Dancers
  3. Select school from combobox.
  4. Click on
  5. Fill form
    • First name Dancer |First name [Mandatory]
    • Last name Last name of the dancer [Mandatory]
    • Email Email address of dancer (just for your evidence) [optional]
    • Date of Birth Birth date of dancer [Mandatory] (you may add Jan 1st xxxx, but year must by real). This date is mandatory, becasue it's part of automatic competition assigment based on dancer age. The system will always only show the dances available for that dancer.
    • Gender if there is a dance limited to specific geneder
  6. Click

Edit your dancer by clicking the icon

Durring editing you can make dancer's slot inactive. This will make the dancer unable to be assigned to any new competition.


How to register a new teacher account?

There is no GUI for this action. Please, contact as via Facebook Messenger FACEBOOK
